Labels, Biology And Manifesting
Breaking Free from Limiting Labels
Have you ever considered the impact of labels on how you perceive yourself and others and how they cause you to behave and live?
In a world where we often define ourselves by titles, roles, or even medical diagnoses, it's crucial to explore beyond these constraints and discover the true essence of who we are.
The question "What do you do for a living?" often leads to responses that reveal occupations, a label rather than truly capturing the essence of a person. Even within the medical system, individuals are often reduced to a list of diagnoses with symptoms to be treated, creating a sense of uniformity among diverse individuals with unique experiences and needs.
Many of us identify ourselves with labels, whether they be an astrological sign, your dosha, personality type, or professional title or other aspect of what you do in the world. However, these labels often confine us to predetermined categories, groups or boxes overshadowing our individuality and valuable uniqueness.
My Journey Beyond Labels
Reflecting on my own journey, I realised that the labels I had embraced were not serving my growth and self-discovery for the most fulfilled life. From physical attributes like being hypermobile or dyslexic to professional titles like a physiotherapist masters graduate. These labels limited my perception of myself and how I should do life by looking to others as well as fostering comparisons with those carrying similar label or title.
The turning point came when I questioned my identity beyond these labels. What if I stopped being defined by my profession, medical conditions or any other generic descriptors? It was a challenging realisation that prompted me to define myself outside the confines of those labels.
If I stopped being a physio who was I?
And who was I beyond having a hypermobile body?
I had to decide who I was without the labels or alongside them. Sure I have a body that has all the signs and symptoms of a connective tissue disorder, but if I had believed what the label had given me in the average prognosis and lifestyle of those with the same label I would have created a life of dependency on medication, become depressed and perhaps not even be around today. Rather I chose to appreciate the diagnosis but not live in the shadow of it. I focused on me and worked out how to be me at my best with the best life. How I choose to live for me looked very different to many others with the label of hypermobility.
Beliefs Shape Reality
What we believe about ourselves dictates who we are and what our biology manifests. If we believe we are incapable of certain things at a conscious or unconscious level thats what our biology will demonstrate and as a result will reconfirm that belief. I encourage you to consider the impact of the labels you carry and how they shape your beliefs, comparing yourself to others or the average with the label. Believing in your capabilities and your potential is crucial. By also choosing empowering labels that align with who you want to become, AND practicing them as a reality, you will adapt and reshape yourself to indeed be that person and living more of who you want to be.
I chose to believe I was a physically strong athletic person able to move freely, do things I wanted to do and as a result worked toward that consistently. I didnt stop at the maybe one day I might become so because that actually reinforced that I was not yet. This is the difference in being a dreamer, or a I want to want person, having a fixed mind set and someone actually manifesting it with growth thinking.
The Power of Self-Labels
So I invite you to break free from limiting labels that are keeping your biology and therefore your life in accordance with them and embrace the journey of self-discovery that requires action. It's time to live supporting one another in seeing beyond titles and labels and recognising the uniqueness that defines us and the potential we can be.
Take action and practice giving yourself labels that you want to wear. Your biology does not know the difference between what you perceive and what is happening in reality. So the key is practicing the reality of the desired label as if its already your reality. For example dont give yourself the label "wanting to loose weight" rather someone who is "loosing weight". Then you will start to practice being the person who has your target weight . You will find yourself doing things like avoiding the extra biscuit, choosing fresh vegetables and getting in some exercise. These in turn demonstrate to your mind it is indeed the reality and hey presto!
It is the same as believing you are really eating a lemon, what happens? You salivate, a reflex biological reaction. You are already doing the stuff of eating a lemon.
Unlocking Your Potential
Seeing people transform into being who they have the potential to be whether thats healthier, fitter or more fulfilled is what drives me to do what I do. I offer to guide and support you on this transformative journey by — providing specialist insights into your biology, your genetic, and neurological predispositions along the influences of your lived experiences (epigenetics) in a way that makes sense and is useful to you. I provide the tools and direction that enables you to use this information and coach yourself by understanding exactly what is right for you and empower you to take the best actions aligned with how you are made and your circumstances.
You can start with a lifestyle SWOT analysis to uncover your unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on your journey to become your best self, free from limiting labels. Join me in embracing the power of self-belief and self-labeling to manifest the reality you truly desire.